Eli5 why are there so many female birth control options for females but only condoms and vasectomies for men?


Was in a discussion about this over dinner last night. My GF has like a dozen options: from pills, to implants and patches. I can either wear a condom or have surgery. I feel like there is always some male pill on the horizon that never manages to come. Why is it so hard to develop something for men but so easy for women?

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18 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The best way to look at reproductive cycles is like this:A woman is effectively a warehouse with a schedule. A female is born with all the eggs she will ever distribute via her reproductive system.

A man however is a factory/recycling system combined: His reproductive system is constantly manufacturing new sperm, breaking down and recycling old sperm as they age in the shelves and occasionally on happy occasions shipping out some sperm to an external warehouse.

It is a WHOLE lot easier to simply close the doors to that warehouse, put some blocks in the way of the chutes where the product comes sliding into the main loading zone than to have that entire automated factory/recycling center shutdown while keeping all the machines warm and ready for resumed operation with little to no risk to the machinery inside.

As is, nearly every attempt at male contraceptive systems has either been ineffective, or had phenomenally high rates of sterilization which obviously defeats the purpose of contraception since the goal is to suspend as needed and resume at will, not destroy the factory.

Simply put, we lack the proper bio-technology and understanding of the male reproductive system in a way that allows us to safely control it right now. It’s not sexism or anything, it’s simply that the female reproduction system at the lowest level is significantly less complex than the male reproductive system (minus the construction/assembly of babies…but that’s a whole other department in charge of that)

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