Eli5: Why are there so many squirrels in cities?


I get why cities support crows, rats, raccoons, and other animals that eat our garbage, but squirrels don’t. What do cities offer squirrels?

In: 17

26 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Cities usually have a lot of trees, which gives shelter for the squirrels. There’s also usually an abundance of food/garbage/scraps for the squirrels to feed on. So, lots of opportunities for food and shelter, with far less natural predators than they would find in the wild.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Cities usually have a lot of trees, which gives shelter for the squirrels. There’s also usually an abundance of food/garbage/scraps for the squirrels to feed on. So, lots of opportunities for food and shelter, with far less natural predators than they would find in the wild.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Squirrels are just rats with fuzzy tails. Cities offer shelter and safety and food for the fuzzy tails.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Squirrels are just rats with fuzzy tails. Cities offer shelter and safety and food for the fuzzy tails.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Squirrels definitely eat garbage. Sometimes when I’m walking into work I get startled by a noise by the trash can and I’ll look over and it’s a squirrel rummaging through the trash. They scurry around the can, staying on the opposite side so I can’t see them.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Squirrels definitely eat garbage. Sometimes when I’m walking into work I get startled by a noise by the trash can and I’ll look over and it’s a squirrel rummaging through the trash. They scurry around the can, staying on the opposite side so I can’t see them.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Squirrels are tree rats, they will eat anything and are super tough. I have seen them fall more than 10 meters onto pavement and scamper away

Anonymous 0 Comments

Squirrels are tree rats, they will eat anything and are super tough. I have seen them fall more than 10 meters onto pavement and scamper away

Anonymous 0 Comments

Since squirrels are relatively safe from predators in cities and tend to over populate as a result, why is it illegal to trap them if they are being a nuisance?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Since squirrels are relatively safe from predators in cities and tend to over populate as a result, why is it illegal to trap them if they are being a nuisance?