ELI5- Why are there times that alcohol cannot be purchased?

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I live in New York State and recently our governor changed the liquor purchase time from 8a-8p to 10a-10p. You can buy beer from convenience stores at 8am-3am on Sundays like every other day but liquor is different. My question is why? Why is there a cutoff time?

In: Other

29 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Those are called Blue Laws, or state morality laws such as, “It’s late you should be in bed,” or, “It’s Sunday, you should be in church.” If I remember correctly, there are even certain places in the US where it is against the rules to sell beer if it is COLD. So, instead of a beer cooler or, “beer cave,” beer is sold like it is on the soda pop aisle or cereal. I can tell you from experience: Somebody who is very interested in drinking beer (alcoholic), ain’t gonna give two you-know-whats if the beer is cold or not. Furthermore, a professional alcoholic has a stash and never runs out/thinks ahead…and has learned the HARD WAY about running out of booze during the hours in which it is not for sale.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because nothing says responsible governance like deciding that your 9am mimosa is a threat to society, but cracking open a beer at 2:59am is perfectly fine. Apparently, NY believes liquor before 10am turns you into a menace, but beer keeps you a law-abiding citizen around the clock. Makes sense.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Hello from Georgia and the Bible Belt where you can’t buy liquor in a grocery store (only beer and wine) and up until a few years ago we couldn’t buy any alcohol on Sundays at all (unless it was in a restaurant after 12pm). 😃 The Bible Belt be Bible Beltin’.

Anonymous 0 Comments

You used to not be allowed to buy alcohol on Sunday before noon in NY because people used to get loaded up drunk and drive to church. That’s why we have the term “Sunday Driver”

Anonymous 0 Comments

I live in Alabama. The county I grew up in is considered a moist county. It is still a dry county but you can buy alcohol in the biggest city. I live in a wet County now. Unfortunately Alabama is still very religious. 💙

Anonymous 0 Comments

Prohibition ended and alcohol is legal to purchase and drink. It’s generally recognized that even if you think alcohol is bad, prohibition was a bad policy that just created a thriving black market, so no one is really eager to go back to that. But that doesn’t mean that it should be *easy* to purchase and drink. Adding restrictions, even ones not based on any good objective reason, will decrease the amount people drink. So it’s a compromise.

Anonymous 0 Comments

In Wisconsin, you can drive to the bar at 9:30 at night and drink with your buddies until 2:30 and drive home. You can’t go to the store and buy a 6 pack in that time, though. You have no other choice, you have to go to the bars.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Fucking pushy, overbearing religious zealots that want to control YOUR life, since you won’t do what they want you to do on your own.

They’re no different than any other oppressive religion or regime, and they should all burn in hell.

But there’s not one!

Anonymous 0 Comments

Christians hate it when ither people have a good time on Sunday. They thought it would get more people in church, but it just moved capital from 1 County to the next.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because people think angels exist. Same reason some towns still close everything on Sundays. God will be mad.