Eli5 : why are water bottles offly aerodynamic ?why its not just a cube or cylinder?


Also , why are so much stuff that i think dont need to be aerodynamic, are in fact aerodynamic , like fruit and vegetables …etc

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4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There are two major advantages to shaping water bottles with bubble ends. First, they are mostly manufactured by a blow-molding process. Blow-molding, as the name suggests, produces bubbles much easier than square corners. Second, it is a stronger shape against internal pressure. Your fizzy drink is contained safer.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

Bottles aside, most things are “aerodynamic” because that’s what happens when something grows out from a point. Hard edges aren’t natural, except in some very specific circumstances (crystals mostly). If something grows gradually, it’s more “energy efficient” to be rounded and bulbous (least surface area per volume). And nature follows the principles of least effort.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Comfortable to hold in the hand. Same bottle can fit in a vending machine and in a store shelf. Just became the market norm worldwide.