Eli5 – Why are we finding entire homes and streets in archaeological digs? doesn’t anyone notice a street or building starting to get covered in dirt and dust? at some point someone must notice the old plato theatre is knee high into the earth?


Eli5 – Why are we finding entire homes and streets in archaeological digs? doesn’t anyone notice a street or building starting to get covered in dirt and dust? at some point someone must notice the old plato theatre is knee high into the earth?

In: 2940

54 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

If people are moving out of an area, they don’t care to make sure they leave it intact. If an area is abandoned it’s probably because something in the environment or the economy or society changed. These days it’s when companies shut down factories or other similar things. In the old days it was when wars happened, or mines shut down, or rivers dried up, or there was a famine and you couldn’t farm, or a competing industry in another location took over and some place shut down. People move out. In the US this happens, and it happened in the pas with ghost towns. People would live the town because the mine didn’t have any more gold or something similar. If you’re looking for a new job in a new place you don’t care about what you’ve left behind.

Anonymous 0 Comments

If people are moving out of an area, they don’t care to make sure they leave it intact. If an area is abandoned it’s probably because something in the environment or the economy or society changed. These days it’s when companies shut down factories or other similar things. In the old days it was when wars happened, or mines shut down, or rivers dried up, or there was a famine and you couldn’t farm, or a competing industry in another location took over and some place shut down. People move out. In the US this happens, and it happened in the pas with ghost towns. People would live the town because the mine didn’t have any more gold or something similar. If you’re looking for a new job in a new place you don’t care about what you’ve left behind.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Garbage trucks weren’t a thing in ancient cities. On good days they carted away fecal matter and that was all. You can see the same in modern times when you look at some parts of developing world, people live on top of garbage. Same thing in ancient world, the difference is only that modern garbage has a lot of plastic that doesn’t biodegrade and stands out.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Garbage trucks weren’t a thing in ancient cities. On good days they carted away fecal matter and that was all. You can see the same in modern times when you look at some parts of developing world, people live on top of garbage. Same thing in ancient world, the difference is only that modern garbage has a lot of plastic that doesn’t biodegrade and stands out.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Typically they are abandoned and then covered in vegetation first, the moss and leaves hide it from view while the dirt builds up high enough (and enough of the structure collapses) for it to be completely reclaimed by nature, then some long time later it is built on top of

Anonymous 0 Comments

Typically they are abandoned and then covered in vegetation first, the moss and leaves hide it from view while the dirt builds up high enough (and enough of the structure collapses) for it to be completely reclaimed by nature, then some long time later it is built on top of

Anonymous 0 Comments

It baffled me that they recently found an old war/trade ship near the south coast of the UK. Like, hasnt there been anybody in a few hundred years that scouted the coast? Apparently not.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It baffled me that they recently found an old war/trade ship near the south coast of the UK. Like, hasnt there been anybody in a few hundred years that scouted the coast? Apparently not.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The five year old answer you need: sometimes people don’t like what they made, and they are lazy bones who don’t want to start over, so just like you do with the food you don’t want to eat that you stuff under the carpet, people would just make stuff on top of what they didn’t like.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The five year old answer you need: sometimes people don’t like what they made, and they are lazy bones who don’t want to start over, so just like you do with the food you don’t want to eat that you stuff under the carpet, people would just make stuff on top of what they didn’t like.