Eli5 – Why are we finding entire homes and streets in archaeological digs? doesn’t anyone notice a street or building starting to get covered in dirt and dust? at some point someone must notice the old plato theatre is knee high into the earth?


Eli5 – Why are we finding entire homes and streets in archaeological digs? doesn’t anyone notice a street or building starting to get covered in dirt and dust? at some point someone must notice the old plato theatre is knee high into the earth?

In: 2940

54 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Vegetation can make a surprising amount of soil. I bought a house that had been vacant for 15 years. After cleaning up around the outside of the house I found a sidewalk buried under about a foot of dirt. It was an area where the leaves would gather every fall.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Vegetation can make a surprising amount of soil. I bought a house that had been vacant for 15 years. After cleaning up around the outside of the house I found a sidewalk buried under about a foot of dirt. It was an area where the leaves would gather every fall.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Sometimes people abandon an area because it becomes unlivable, like the water dries up or the crops won’t grow. Sometimes whole towns and areas get completely covered instantly by things like volcanic eruptions or tsunamis or floods

Anonymous 0 Comments

Sometimes people abandon an area because it becomes unlivable, like the water dries up or the crops won’t grow. Sometimes whole towns and areas get completely covered instantly by things like volcanic eruptions or tsunamis or floods

Anonymous 0 Comments

There’s entire abandoned country towns in Spain and Italy and basically everywhere. I’m sure the Midwest of the USA is also littered with them. If there’s no traffic going through, nature will just…. Overtake it. Give it time.

Anonymous 0 Comments

There’s entire abandoned country towns in Spain and Italy and basically everywhere. I’m sure the Midwest of the USA is also littered with them. If there’s no traffic going through, nature will just…. Overtake it. Give it time.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The city of Troy is a fairly good example due to its fame. Iirc they built the new city on top of the old city each time it was destroyed, the Troy from the Greek stories was the 7th? city built at the same location. It’s easier than clearing the area first, just fill it up and build on top. We do something similar with landfills today.


Nine periods of Troy in the settlement-hill of Hisarlık [1200 × 795]
byu/_Ilker inMapPorn

Anonymous 0 Comments

The city of Troy is a fairly good example due to its fame. Iirc they built the new city on top of the old city each time it was destroyed, the Troy from the Greek stories was the 7th? city built at the same location. It’s easier than clearing the area first, just fill it up and build on top. We do something similar with landfills today.


Nine periods of Troy in the settlement-hill of Hisarlık [1200 × 795]
byu/_Ilker inMapPorn

Anonymous 0 Comments

War, large earth events (volcano, hurricane, etc) can kill a city and all of its inhabitants. So who there to keep it looking nice?

Way back they would salt the land to make sure nothing could ever grow there to ensure people leave

Anonymous 0 Comments

War, large earth events (volcano, hurricane, etc) can kill a city and all of its inhabitants. So who there to keep it looking nice?

Way back they would salt the land to make sure nothing could ever grow there to ensure people leave