[ELI5] Why are we required to include at least one uppercase and one symbol and or numbers when creating password?


Doesn’t this make your password more vulnerable as it gives a clue to what it is? Also if it’s not a word from a dictionary, why would it matter? Shouldn’t a pw like iilpipi technically be as secure as 11Lpipi?

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4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

When you use only lowercase english letters, there are only 26 choices, so the number of permutations that can be made would be 26^n where n would be the length of the password.

Now, if a hacker is using Brute force and trying every combination, he needs to try only 26^n times, not a lot when we have good computation powers. Almost no hacker would ‘guess’ the password. It’s very rare and almost stupid to do unless you know the person you are trying to crack the password of, REALLY WELL. Also, if you Uppercase random letters in the password and throw in symbols, guessing is virtually impossible.

So let’s say you use numbers now. You add in 10 more values. The number suddenly becomes 36^n.

And now if you use uppercase letters too, You have 26 lowercase, 26 uppercase and 10 digits, 62^n permutations or possibilities!

Now we have a lot many standard symbols, if you use them too, this number would further increase.

The brute force would take significantly longer time, often in years

If you don’t know how permutations work:

Edit: some minor corrections in number of digits

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