Eli5 Why are women so much shorter than men?


Eli5 Why are women so much shorter than men?

In: 60

23 Answers

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It takes more energy to be taller. Nutrients need to be acquired to supply the growth and maintenance of the larger skeleton as well as all other affected organs. Therefore, being taller must confer some evolutionary advantage(s) for males and why this disadvantage makes females typically shorter. Edit: also, the gather role females often played early in our evolution meant being shorter made collecting ground seeds/berries much easier.

The male advantages to being taller despite the nutrient demand:

* Quick and easy way for the choosy female(s) to determine he comes from a strong genetic line that fed their offspring well and so is more likely to feed his offspring well too,
* Taller males are more visually intimidating. Looking up at your opponent immediately instills fear which needs to be overcome by the shorter competitor. This is common throughout Mammalia (is why cats arch their backs, dogs hair raises, bears stand up, police wear those stupid hats…)
* Taller males have greater reach, visibility, and strength if their weight matches their height.
* Prior to tools, taller males had greater access to higher food sources.

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