Eli5 why aren’t 2 story houses built with ramps instead of stairs?


Are they just not practical? They seems cheaper to build instead of elevators for wheelchair bound people.

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12 Answers

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You can’t make the ramp too steep or it’ll be impossible for a wheelchair user to push themselves up and safely go down the ramp. The longer the distance of the ramp, the less steep it has to be or the user might be too fatigued to safely make it up or down. Look at any ramp going into a building that just has a few steps. Now imagine how long that ramp would have to be to get to the 2nd floor of a building and how much space it would take to build such a ramp.
Edit: The ADA recommends an incline ratio for wheelchair ramps of 1:12, meaning for every inch of height you need 12 inches in length. So if we assume one floor up being 100 inches, your ramp would have to be 100 x 12 is 1200 inches or 100 feet or 30.5 meters in length.

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