eli5 Why aren’t animals that breed with only the strongest male complete freaks of nature.


Like why aren’t lions total roid monsters if only the strongest male gets to breed the females?

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22 Answers

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Lots of things go into being “fittest”, and fittest doesn’t mean “strongest”. Huge muscles require obscene amounts of calories to maintain, wheras there’s strong but not “roided” (as you say). A lean animal without excess bulk generally has better stamina and doesn’t use as many calories to move around. It’s kind of like asking why if tanks are the strongest kind of vehicle, why doesn’t everyone drive tanks? well because the gas mileage is terrible, they’re slow, and the vast majority of people have no need for something with that much armor. It’s not that anyone thinks a sedan could take out a tank, it’s the fact a tank is overkill and impracticle and slow. Same thing with animals – bigger isn’t necessarily better.

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