Eli5 why aren’t ballistic masks more common in warfare?


You very rarely see depictions of soldiers wearing bullet resistant face masks. I understand that these only protect from small caliber weapons but wouldn’t you take all the protection you could get?

In: 154

24 Answers

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Because breathing freely (and getting less tired as a consequence), unimpeded sight and wearing less weight tends to improve your chances of not getting shot. Because you’re more mobile and have a better ability to detect threats and a better ability to coordinate with your teammates (because you have a better idea of where your friends are).

Also, having your face enclosed is incredibly claustrophobic.

Soldiers tend to only armor up when they’re in a fixed position (like a machinegun nest) and the enemy is coming from a known direction. In those cases a gunshield rather than a face mask does that job (although more often the gunner is replaced by a remote turret).

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