Eli5 why aren’t ballistic masks more common in warfare?


You very rarely see depictions of soldiers wearing bullet resistant face masks. I understand that these only protect from small caliber weapons but wouldn’t you take all the protection you could get?

In: 154

24 Answers

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Most of the time they offer more issues than solutions. Yes they can stop small calibers but they typically don’t stop projectiles from rifles. Combine this with the fact that most ballistic face shields add a significant amount of weight to an end users helmet set up, and you can start to see why they aren’t used in traditional warfare. Most ballistic face solutions also make it difficult for an end user to get a proper cheek weld or sight picture for whatever weapon they’re using, along with either limiting or distorting vision. You’ll see ballistic masks employed a lot more with counter terrorism units, where the likely hood of being in close quarters with small caliber weapons is significantly higher.

TL;DR: they’re a pain in the ass.

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