Eli5: Why aren’t liquids allowed on planes when the plane sells drinks? If it’s a private plane, am I allowed to bring drinks?


Eli5: Why aren’t liquids allowed on planes when the plane sells drinks? If it’s a private plane, am I allowed to bring drinks?

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12 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

In 2006 a group of terrorists in England attempted to get a liquid explosive onto a plane, so now as a security measure you cannot bring any liquids of over a certain volume, usually 3 ounces, through airport security.

The plane is able to sell drinks, and you can bring a drink you bought in the airport (post security) on the plane, because those have been thoroughly screened.

Anonymous 0 Comments

In 2006 a group of terrorists in England attempted to get a liquid explosive onto a plane, so now as a security measure you cannot bring any liquids of over a certain volume, usually 3 ounces, through airport security.

The plane is able to sell drinks, and you can bring a drink you bought in the airport (post security) on the plane, because those have been thoroughly screened.