ELI5, Why aren’t people who grew up in the leaded gasoline and lead paint era sick and dying by now ?


Considering lots of people grew up with so much lead exposure in the past and that lead negatively affects every organ in the human body. As well as, the fact that lots of people were being exposed since they were babies, I don’t get how there are plenty of people 80+ years old these days in decent health?

In: 6

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

You aren’t supposed to drink the gasoline.

There was very low levels and not enough to make people immediately sick, but over time could lead to issues. Important to note that leaded gas is still used today. avgas for civil aviation has lead, it’s also allows for many other types of vehicles.

Some studies show cognitive impairment:


Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s a numbers game. Like most environmental health issues, lead exposure affects different people in different amounts and different ways. It’s not like everyone exposed to X amount of lead is thereafter fated to die on their 85th birthday. Lead exposure may have dramatically shortened the lifespans of some, while for others it had no effect – either because their “dose” was low or because they died for some other reason before lead exposure became an issue.

You can notice the effects across an entire population, but even then it gets tricky. We can’t know how much lead exposure reduced life expectancy across the entire country, because we don’t have a “counterfactual” scenario with no lead exposure to compare it to. The best we can do is compare people who got small amounts of lead exposure to people who got high amounts, but even that is imperfect because exposure is often determined by what neighborhood people grew up in, and neighborhoods with other structural disadvantages were also more likely to be affected by pollution.

Anonymous 0 Comments

A lot of us are. Many have chronic illnesses and compromised immune systems, not to mention COPD and lung cancer. They just don’t list lead poisoning as cause of death.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The thing is you are seeing the effects. The numbers of 90 + year olds here in the U.K. is steadily increasing – and these are the generation that grew up surrounded by cigarette smoke. In 60 years when 30 year olds now are in their 90s you will see continued increases in life expectancy.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Lead poisoning is mostly affecting neural connections.

Means becoming stupid or having neural disease. Even worse, the younger you are when exposed the worse is the effect on the brain.

But that’s it. These diseases are really bad but not lethal. It’s just, thee are a lot of elder people that are way dumber than they should.

It’s awful btw, looking at grandpa being completely mentally gone is not nice. Still he’ll live very long, and will keep say stupid things for very long.

Your questions makes sense more with asbestos and chrome. Those don’t let you age, they are big killers.

In general, we are living a “cancer pandemic” and its not yet gone. It’s gonna take a lot of time before we start to see improvements after removing so many harmful products. We are still in the middle of the cancer wave. Probably, people born after 2000 will have less cancer, maybe. I am part of the doomed generation, grown up soaked in chemicals and it’s not a nice living being aware of it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Easy- people in areas with more cars had more problems than people with fewer. So, when everybody left and went to the suburbs, problems solved for them.

You see many very old people in the inner cities?