I’m not totally sure how to ask this. So most people find out they’re pregnant between 6-8 weeks. And it’s relatively common knowledge that one does not get their period while pregnant. So my question is, how do people not find out they’re pregnant until around 6 weeks if the average menstrual cycle is 4 weeks? Ovulation occurs on, I believe, day 14 in the cycle, so shouldn’t more pregnancies be discovered at 2-3 weeks when the initial next period would occur?
ETA: thank you for the responses! My confusion began with the the whole “you’re 6 weeks pregnant” when it’s more than likely 3-4 weeks of legitimate gestation due to how doctors begin the “clock” at the end of the last menstrual cycle.
In: 16
Say you get your period on the first of the month, then you’d be (in a perfect world) ovulating on or around the 14th. If you happen to get pregnant on the 14th, well lucky you! You’re already 2 weeks into your pregnancy. By the time you miss your period (most women have some degree of variation) you’re already 4 to 5 weeks pregnant. This doesn’t even take into consideration the fact that lots of women don’t track their periods, and/or have irregular periods. Hope this helps!
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