[ELI5] Why average of 12 months growth percentile is not the same as sum of growth percetnile?


Jan 2022 sales 100
Jan 2021 sales 50

Feb 2022 sales 150
Feb 2021 sales 90

Jan sales growth is 100%
Feb sales growth is 67%
Average growth **83%**

2022 sales total 250
2021 sales total 140
Percent growth is **79%**

Why do i feel stupid, ama grown ass man and i cnt figure it out

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4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Average = SUM / COUNT.

That is, you add the items you want to average, then divide by the total number of items.

The average of 100 and 67 is 83.5, because that’s 167/2.


Percent change is DIFFERENCE / ORIGINAL.

When they calculated the percent growth, they did 250-140 = 110, that’s the “difference” for the numerator.

The “original” number is 140, because 2021 is before 2022.

So we do 110/140 = 0.786

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