eli5 why bottled water costs more than lemonade?

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I see lemonade on shelves costing half the price of bottled water. I imagine that a 10 per cent sugary solution is still 90 per cent water, but costs (some times) half as much.

In: Economics

9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

Because people will pay more. Prices aren’t set based on “worth”, companies charge as much as they can.

Anonymous 0 Comments

People don’t know the price of things. So beverage company can charge more for things they aim to label as premium (like mineral water). I’m looking at you Evian or Fiji water.

Although some economy of scale might be involved. You’re much more likely to manage to sell a buttload of coke across the country than some mineral water. Hence you can produce at a lower cost.
Also most likely the water in sodas is just regular tap water. Much cheaper !

That being said people living near famous springs (like Evian) will often have their whole water supply coming from the same source (but not the same plant).
So yes people in Evian, France (it’s indeed the name of the city/location) have « Evian water » in their pipes for tap water, showering, flushing, etc.

Anonymous 0 Comments

No joke real price in Tesco. 500ml bottled water £1.10. 5ltr bottle £1.40.

Bottled water is a con.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I feel like this question is asked (in various forms) every other week and what they ALL boil down to is the misconception that prices are based on the actual value of the items in question. However, the price is arbitrary and is heavily influenced simply on what people are *willing* to pay.

Anonymous 0 Comments

In Australia, bottled water costs 80 cents vs any other drink costing 3.50. If a country as overpriced as Australia can do it, I believe USA, and any other developed country should do the same too.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Bottled water is the biggest scam on earth. It costs more per litre than fuel. When you think of the processes required to extract and refine fuel, it’s absolutely insane

Anonymous 0 Comments

Where the fuck are you getting your bottled water?!

Anonymous 0 Comments

Worth isn’t about what something costs to produce, it’s about what people are prepared to pay. Or even what people WANT to pay – if I try and offer the same thing for less, people MAY buy it – but equally, they may interpret my lower price as indicating that my product is of lower quality, and buy the “premium” brand instead. People aren’t always logical in their buying decisions.