Eli5 Why can light not carry sound?


From my very limited understanding sound is basically the vibrations in particles/atoms/ whatever, and light is some sort of weird mix between energy and very small particles, so why can light not carry sound? ( sorry if grammar/wording is bad high)

Edit: woke up to all of this, thank each and everyone of you so much!

In: 2

14 Answers

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Sound waves are waves of pressure in a medium (liquid, gas, solid, etc.). We perceive pressure waves in the air that hit our ear drum as sound. That’s how we hear, waves of pressure in the air hitting our ear drums.

Light waves are not waves of pressure. Light waves do not require a medium to travel; they can travel though nothing just fine (e.g., the vacuum of space). We have receptors that can detect light: our eyes.

So just as our eyes can’t see sound, our ears can’t hear light. While light waves and sound waves do have some macro scale similarities, in reality they are two very different things.

Light can also be considered both a wave and a particle (further explanation is a bit beyond the scope of this question) and behaves according to the laws of quantum physic. Whereas sound is just a wave of pressure traveling through something (like air).

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