ELI5, Why can seemingly every animal run faster and for longer than humans?


ELI5, Why can seemingly every animal run faster and for longer than humans?

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12 Answers

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Firstly, many animals, such as cheetahs and lions, are built for running. They have strong, flexible spines that allow them to maintain balance and stability while running, and their long, muscular legs give them a lot of stride length. Humans, on the other hand, have shorter legs and a more rigid spine, which makes running less efficient.

Secondly, many animals have more efficient respiratory systems than humans. They can take in more oxygen per breath, which means their muscles have more energy to keep running for longer periods of time.

Finally, many animals are simply better adapted to running long distances than humans. Some animals can store more energy in their muscles and liver, which means they can sustain their energy output for longer. Additionally, some animals have cooling mechanisms, like panting and sweating, that help dissipate heat and prevent overheating during prolonged exercise. Humans, while we do have some cooling mechanisms like sweating, are not as well-adapted to long-term endurance running as many animals are.

Tldr: Humans had great stamina when we used to hunt. As we slowly developed ways to stray away from running after food, our bodies adapted. Meanwhile, animals are just as strong as their ancestors since not much has changed for them.

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