eli5 Why can’t out body adapt to new things as fast as our brain does?


eli5 Why can’t out body adapt to new things as fast as our brain does?

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2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Our body is the result of genetics that evolved over millions of years. Its a super slow process over many generations.

Your brain is the result of learning since you were born every thing you remember creates a new connection in your brain.

Anonymous 0 Comments

your body is a literal self replicating machine that transmutes material into life.

The process your body follows is read out of a long codebook inside your cells, sometimes mistakes in the code happen (mrna messes up a protein, cancer, etc, something where growth is irregular)

your body then needs to stop and retry with the resources that you provide it through nutrition.

many processes are offloaded to other sites technically “outside” the body like the microbiome fermenting small bits in your gut and sending good feelings to your head and useful bits back to the body which are absorbed and moved around.

with ideas, information can move much faster. its a bandwidth issue.