eli5: Why can’t programs run .zip files although they take just a few seconds to extract?


Title, really.

In: Technology

6 Answers

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It’s like sending your tax return, or a complaint letter, written entirely in shorthand.

Of course the people the other end *could* translate it and then act upon it if they really wanted to. Maybe some would. But it’s not up to them to do so.

A PDF program is expecting a PDF (which is usually already “zipped” inside itself!), not a ZIP. If the programmer decides to write the logic to also open ZIPs, extract them to a temporary location, look for PDFs inside them and then open that PDF from the temporary area, and then clear that all up when you’re “done” with that file, then fine. (Don’t even get into what happens if you have a filetype that you want to modify then save back into the ZIP).

But it’s not necessary, so it almost never happens.

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