Eli5: Why cant we just signal to our brain when we want to fall asleep?


When we lay down at night why our brain does not recognize it and make us fall asleep much easier? Interesting that we have control over so much things but not our own body.

In: 93

21 Answers

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Going to sleep isn’t usually just an on/off switch, it’s a dimmer switch on your mind that takes time to turn down. If you keep running it at full brightness and go straight to bed it’s still too bright for sleep. Some people can get a decent amount of control over that dimming, but full control over when you actually let go and sleep for most people is a bit of a catch-22 — the last step of going to sleep is the end of a process of shutting down, and you need to ‘let go’ for that step to occur.

Some people are really fortunate and can go through that shut-down process quickly, some people are unlucky and sometimes can’t get through that shut-down at all.. but ideally you just need to reduce the stimulation and working processes to allow it to be able to rest and finally sleep.

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