Eli5: why cant we use magnets to make an infinitely spinning thing to get infinite energy


-english is not my first language-

Edit: alot of people think im referring to motors or generators or some sorts. But I mean something like this:


I know its probably fake and not possible but I want to know why and how

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11 Answers

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Magnets and electromagnets are used to make spinning things. These are things called motors and is used nearly everywhere (washing machines, cars, etc etc) In order to make the motor spin, energy has to be injected into it and the resulting output is a spinning rotor which has kinetic energy.

Magnets are also used to create electrical energy. These are called generators. In this case, some external energy source (wind, water behind a dam, steam etc) is used to spin the rotor and results is the conversion of that energy into electrical energy as output.

Neither the motor or generator are 100% efficient. The amount of energy put in is less than the energy released. Some energy is always lost due to friction, heat, sound etc. So even if you hooked a motor to a generator and used to generator output to run the motor, it would not work for long and there is definitely no way to make excess energy.