ELI5- Why cant you see stars from the ISS videos?


I’m new to tiktok and I get a lot of flat earth videos. In several of them, they constantly talk about the lack of stars visible from the ISS videos. Ive heard that its due to the light reflecting from White sides of the ISS, but if thats the case, wouldnt that prevent us from seeing stars from earth? TIA

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5 Answers

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The night sky is far richer from orbit.

Most of us only get to see space via cameras. Cameras have a limited *dynamic range*, meaning objects whose brightness differs more than a certain amount aren’t visible in an image at the same time. In daylight, Earth’s surface is far brighter than the stars. So any image in which the Earth is properly exposed will show simply a black sky in the background. And in any image where stars are visible, Earth’s surface will be over-exposed and totally washed out.

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