ELI5- Why cant you see stars from the ISS videos?


I’m new to tiktok and I get a lot of flat earth videos. In several of them, they constantly talk about the lack of stars visible from the ISS videos. Ive heard that its due to the light reflecting from White sides of the ISS, but if thats the case, wouldnt that prevent us from seeing stars from earth? TIA

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5 Answers

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If you can see the outside of the ISS in a video, they’re filming it in daylight.

You can’t see the stars for the same reason you can’t see the stars in daylight on Earth. I don’t know about you but I’ve never seen any stars during the day.

People got confused by this with the Moon landings too. People think it’s night because the sky wasn’t blue. But the Moon landings happened during the lunar daytime. So no stars.

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