ELI5- Why cant you see stars from the ISS videos?


I’m new to tiktok and I get a lot of flat earth videos. In several of them, they constantly talk about the lack of stars visible from the ISS videos. Ive heard that its due to the light reflecting from White sides of the ISS, but if thats the case, wouldnt that prevent us from seeing stars from earth? TIA

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5 Answers

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Cameras have settings to determine how much light they let in.
If they let in too much light, the whole thing is just a bright blur.
If they let in too little, you can’t see anything.

When the ISS is on the side of earth facing the sun, a lot of light is reflecting off everything. If they want to take a photo of something they set the cameras so they let in just enough light so you can see the thing as something more detailed than a bright blur. But this setting is not enough for you to see the stars.

If they’re on the dark side and looking at cities at night (which are bright but not that bright). [They set the cameras so you see the cities really pretty, but hardly any stars.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FG0fTKAqZ5g)

When they look at stars. [They set the camera so you see stars really pretty, but the cities are just an orange blur.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7RdwaRz6bko)

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