Eli5 why clouds always come together and darken when it rains


Why do clouds need to come together into large, darker masses when it rains instead of the individual water droplets just randomly falling on their own?

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3 Answers

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The air is always full of water, within certain pressure and temperature ranges this water is invisible (Think of a hot humid day, that humidity is literally water suspended in the air) when temperatures drop or air pressure increases it begins to cause this moisture to condense creating clouds or fog, this condensation is many tiny droplets of water that are so small they are easily suspended by air currents, as light hits all these droplets it gets diffused giving clouds their white look but as the air continues to cool more and more water condenses less light is able to get through giving the clouds a darker look and after enough water condenses in an area it start joining together at which point it’s density is high enough that the air currents can no longer hold it up and it falls to the ground as rain

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