I understand that it took quite a few million years for humans to accommodate to their environment, but why did apes for example stay the same approximately while we had all the advancement. For example why are we into philosophy, writing manifestos, infrastructure, complex design, technology etc while apes aren’t exactly.
Why did it take us 6 million years of hunting to think about farming?
In: 178
Our ability for language seperates us from apes.
If we have evolved to a point where other species are no longer competition, the own species become competition, but since the strength of the species is based on social structures there a duality. You compete and work together at the same time.
That duality combined with language created a competitive process that caters intelligence. It’s also our achilles heel, since it’s hard to get to a consensus when your nature is about competing.
It seems like a cosmic joke but it isn’t. My guess is that most intelligent life either dies with the star that created them, or they destroy themselves.
There is a solution, but then we need to change to core of our being while keeping the intelligence.
Either way it’s the reason why it takes so long to get things done.
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