I understand that it took quite a few million years for humans to accommodate to their environment, but why did apes for example stay the same approximately while we had all the advancement. For example why are we into philosophy, writing manifestos, infrastructure, complex design, technology etc while apes aren’t exactly.
Why did it take us 6 million years of hunting to think about farming?
In: 178
I’ll put down a different spin than the other replies.
When we dig up the remains of people long lost, a massive percentage of them died at the hands of other humans. I have read articles claiming 30%. Our ancestors came from a violent world.
In a fertile area, there would be a large number of roaming hunter gatherer packs. If you wanted to set up a farm and some trading posts to begin a settlement, you have to do the work and you have to *defend* it. Its certainly easy to take than it is to make.
I wonder if it just took a long time for there to be a critical mass of people willing to sit down, build up a settlement and potentially sacrifice themselves for the common good. A small pack of humans would stand little chance by themselves trying to set up a community with valuable stored resources such as food.
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