Eli5 why did humans take so long to create civilizations?


I understand that it took quite a few million years for humans to accommodate to their environment, but why did apes for example stay the same approximately while we had all the advancement. For example why are we into philosophy, writing manifestos, infrastructure, complex design, technology etc while apes aren’t exactly.
Why did it take us 6 million years of hunting to think about farming?

In: 178

30 Answers

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I’m not an expert by any means, but civilization is comprised of a variety of sciences, structures and engineering. Those things did not arrive all at the same time.

In order to develop those systems and sciences one would have to have free time to think, which in a nomadic society you most likely don’t have that free time.

This is why agricultural discovery was such a key element to human history. Being able to grow food in your backyard instead of constantly moving to new areas to find food opens up more time to think and plan for what will eventually become civilization.

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