Eli5: Why did we invent wheels for cars instead of legs? Wouldn’t cars with legs be able to manoeuvre around uneven lands easier?


Eli5: Why did we invent wheels for cars instead of legs? Wouldn’t cars with legs be able to manoeuvre around uneven lands easier?

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12 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

We have been able to manufacture wheels for millenia. We *still* haven’t quite nailed how to build a walking machine that is not worse than just having special wheels with a more flexible axle setup, and what we do have requires artificial intelligence to be able to walk on fairly flat terrain without eating dirt.

Anonymous 0 Comments

We have been able to manufacture wheels for millenia. We *still* haven’t quite nailed how to build a walking machine that is not worse than just having special wheels with a more flexible axle setup, and what we do have requires artificial intelligence to be able to walk on fairly flat terrain without eating dirt.