Eli5: Why did we invent wheels for cars instead of legs? Wouldn’t cars with legs be able to manoeuvre around uneven lands easier?


Eli5: Why did we invent wheels for cars instead of legs? Wouldn’t cars with legs be able to manoeuvre around uneven lands easier?

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12 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The wheel is an incredibly simple yet very effective shape when it comes to moving across land. The mechanisms by which vehicles use wheels are *also* fairly simple.

Making a vehicle that used legs is very doable, but it would not be able to move at the same speeds as any wheeled vehicle. One issue that would definitely pop up would be damage to roadways; concrete etc isn’t really impact proof past a certain point and if every vehicle had legs, the roads would be in shambles

Anonymous 0 Comments

The wheel is an incredibly simple yet very effective shape when it comes to moving across land. The mechanisms by which vehicles use wheels are *also* fairly simple.

Making a vehicle that used legs is very doable, but it would not be able to move at the same speeds as any wheeled vehicle. One issue that would definitely pop up would be damage to roadways; concrete etc isn’t really impact proof past a certain point and if every vehicle had legs, the roads would be in shambles