eli5 Why didn’t America annex Canada?


I’m a layperson, but as far as I know, America had the military power to conquer the whole Canadian territory or at least get more land than in our timeline (similar to how they took a huge chunk of Mexico’s territory), right? But they didn’t. I would like to know why. Thank you for your attention in advance.

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4 Answers

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Up until quite recently what is now Canada was not a completely sovereign and independent country but is some way or another a part of or associated with the united Kingdom.

A war with “Canada” over territory would have meant a war with the UK. Before the 20th century the USA’s military might was not quite up to that task.

The Canadians/British burned down the White House in the war of 1812.

In later decades there was some saber rattling over where exactly the border between the US and Canada should be. you may have heard of the famous slogan **”Fifty-four Forty or Fight!”**, the border being at 44°40′ and how today the 49th parallel is the actual border.

It didn’t help that before the discovery of oil and gold and other natural resources, much of the area in question didn’t have much worth fighting about.

The more worth the area appeared and the more an invasion was military feasible the less it became culturally practical.

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