eli5 Why didn’t the US or other countries make a similar submarine to counter Uboats?


I’m watching a ton of WW2 documentaries and can’t help but think why they didn’t make a counter to the German Uboats other then depth charges and the hedgehog. Surely with the money and resources the US or other countries could of made a sub during that time.

In: 12

32 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

… We DID use submarines. But Subs were not used to hunt other subs until during the Cold War, and even then instead of sinking it was tail the enemy sub.

Also, WWII subs SUCKED. Couldn’t stay down for long, had VERY small number of torpedoes, and had a very low submerged speed, and a only SLIGHTLY better surface speed.

USA especially during WWII had DOZENS of submarines, we just mainly had then in the Pacific to sink Japanese ships because that was the large naval threat. German U-boats were only a threat to shipping, and that was mitigated by destroyers and armed convey ships

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