eli5: Why didn’t we place manholes along sidewalks to not hinder V traffic?


Not that I care about vehicular traffic. 🙂

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4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because that’s not where the utility tunnels are. You run utility tunnels down the middle of the street so it’s equally accessible by both sides of the road

Anonymous 0 Comments

Manholes are typically placed on roadways for access to underground utilities. Sidewalks are for pedestrians, not vehicles. 😉

Anonymous 0 Comments

Ha! Tell me you’ve never left your hometown without saying it. Look dude, [manholes on sidewalks](https://sohobroadway.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/psc-mrc-broadway-spring.jpg) is [the norm](https://www.citysignal.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/mohammad-rezaie-DRGowUxA6as-unsplash.jpg) for [most cities](https://images.fineartamerica.com/images-medium-large-5/steam-rising-from-dpw-manhole-cover-on-sidewalk-with-old-fashioned-fire-hydrant-new-york-city-joe-fox.jpg) in the US. Wtf are you talking about? 🤣

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because it’s easier to provide service to both sides of a street if the tunnels, pipes, etc. run down the middle of the street, with service lines branching off in both directions. Also, street is city/government land and easier to rip up and repair. Some underground tunnels may be larger than a sidewalk and would require ripping up people’s yards.