eli5: why do arches only absorb compression but not tension?


In my early civil engineering studies, I learned that ropes can only absorb tension but not compression because they are basically an infinite chain of hinges.
I can’t quite remember anymore how arches work, all I know is they behave in the opposite of ropes.

In: 21

5 Answers

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Arches are architectural structures that excel at absorbing compression forces but are not well-suited to handle tension forces. This is because arches are designed with a curved shape that allows the force of gravity to be channeled down to the ground, effectively compressing the arch’s constituent materials (e.g., stone or brick) together. In contrast, tension forces tend to pull materials apart, which is not a natural load-bearing configuration for arches. To resist tension, additional structural elements like ties or cables are needed, as seen in structures like suspension bridges.

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