eli5: Why do Asian countries have such high populations?

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What the title says. India and china alone have almost 3 billion. Asia has over half the worlds population. Why has this historically been the case even though many Asian countries developed far slower than European countries.

In: Other

28 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because we expect our children to take care of us when we get old. It’s like an investment in Asia. In Chinese, there is a saying called child is insurance.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Ok… By “asian countries” you mean China and India? 

And also, lol compare against European countries… Is that all that exists in the world to you?

Anonymous 0 Comments

All of you who are saying that it is due to the abundance of food how then do you explain the population decline in Europe. There is no shortage of food.

In contrast, countries with much higher birth rates are poor and are either suffering from or at risk of ambrunes.

Countries with economically independent women, with greater rights, social protection, sexual freedom and sexual education = fewer children

Anonymous 0 Comments

Rice is pretty efficient at converting the sun’s energy into digestible carbohydrates. Also, there’s a lot of space, so we’re not killing each other in huge droves at a time. These civilizations have also been here for a really really long time – Chinese, and Indian Empires/people’s have been around for thousands upon thousands of years.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Area plays a huge part.

Area of asia is about 17,23 square miles.

Area of Europe is about 3.93 million sq mi

Area of North America is about 9.54 sq mi

Area of South AMerica is about 6.89 sq mi

Area of Africa is about 11.73 sq mi

It’s not the only factor of course. Asia still has the highest population density of any continent but part of why it’s so high is it’s massive area. ANd massive livable area compared to NA.

NA being the 3rd largest has a low population density. One of the reason is most of Canada isn’t really habitable.

I’ll admit part of what I dont’ know here is how Russia factors in. Traditionally they’re placed with Europe which means that Europe could be highest in pop density if northern russia is factored into their land mass.

Anyway there’s a lot of things to do with it. Most of it is that from a human survival standpoint, those areas have amazing resources to provide.

Anonymous 0 Comments

People say land and climate factors. I think it’s mostly culture. Most of Asian cultures place large emphasis on families, large families is seen as normal. Hence, larger population.

Anonymous 0 Comments

>Why has this historically been the case even though many Asian countries developed far slower than European countries.

on this note, this is a common result of western education where the focus is on America and Wester Europe. Ex. China was basically the most advanced and successful culture after Rome for like 1500 years. their history has been continuously documented for like 4000 years and their cultural influence is found in every east asian culture. India has a similarly long and complex history but people act like it had no major civilizations until the british arrived

Anonymous 0 Comments

I don’t know about all of Asia but in China they used to have a ton of kids. In ancient times people died a lot and it was always good to have “backups”. they just kept on having kids. Plus the fact that sons were valued more than daughters so if you had several daughters it wasn’t uncommon to go until you have some sons