Eli5: Why do babies instinctively raise their feet when held over grass?


Eli5: Why do babies instinctively raise their feet when held over grass?

In: 6

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’ve seen explanations ranging from it just being a new sensation they’re apprehensive about, to things like that it might be an innate reflex to avoid allergens, dangerous plants, or hidden animals that could hurt them.

However, I’ll add that *none* of the articles I’ve seen addressed what seems to be a pretty big issue to me, and that is that none of what I’ve seen has been babies being held over grass. They’re babies being held over grass *that’s sharpened weekly*.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Who knows, but you can bet that before the camera comes out, babies have already been exposed to the grass and know that their thin and sensitive skin doesn’t like the prickling sensation