Eli5: Why do carbohydrates not hurt diabetics in the same way pure sugar does?


I tried looking into it but couldn’t quite understand. Carbohydrates are complex molecules that ultimately break down at the lowest level into glucose and similar monosaccharides; so, why does eating bread not do the same thing to a diabetic person that eating sugar does?

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8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I think everyone nails how the body digests simple and complex carbs differently. what is missing is *why* that difference is bad for you. You want to have a gradual increase and decline in blood glucose, not a sharp spike and drastic plummet, because that causes less stress on the pancreas which has to squirt out insulin to carry that glucose from the blood to cells. The sharper the increase the more insulin it releases. Which can in turn lead to low blood glucose if it has overcompensated.

If you do this often enough and long enough you eventually becomes resistant to your body’s insulin–that’s Type II Diabetes. Not only does higher static blood glucose damage organs, it also forces your pancreas to work harder to produce even more insulin to compensate. Eventually your pancreas wears out and doesn’t produce its own insulin any longer and you become (injectable) insulin dependent.

TL;DR – limiting simple carbs helps keep blood glucose levels stable, fights insulin resistance and helps prevents damaging to the pancreas.

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