Eli5: Why do cars have four wheels instead of three?


Eli5: Why do cars have four wheels instead of three?

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12 Answers

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What would the advantage to having three tires be? Yes I know motor trikes exist, but there is a reason they are so small.

With four tires, assuming 2wd:

–The weight of the vehicle is distributed over more points, so less ground pressure at each point and more contact area (also why today’s tires are short and wide compared to early car tires, I mean just [look at this thing!](https://www.britannica.com/technology/Model-T) )

–Your tracks are in two sets of two, with a gap in the middle. Useful for dodging obstacles, a low obstacle such as a pothole or small animal can be lined up on the centerline of the car and you’ll pass over it.

–simplification, as you can have four identical tires and assuming your suspension is fine, they should wear down symmetrically. As opposed to three, where that solo tire will wear down out of sync with the other two.

and of course

–tradition, as mentioned. The car was originally called the horseless carriage for a reason, and carriages have four wheels for the reasons above (especially as a horse drawn carriage tends to create its own centerlined obstacles, namely fresh horse poop piles)

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