eli5: Why do cars have limited miles?


If you have a car and you continue to fix it every time a problem occurs, why can’t you keep the car and drive it forever as-long as you have to money to fix it if something goes wrong?

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20 Answers

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“As long as you have the money to fix it”

That’s really the only/main problem. If you have the money to rebuild/replace as needed, then you can keep driving the same vehicle for your entire life.

Many engines are capable of going 200k+ miles. Rebuild it, go another 200k. Then replace it with a new one, if one is available and go another 200k.

The main thing that can really kill a car is rust. It’s difficult/risky to repair a frame that has been rusted out. And very difficult to repair unibody construction that is seen in many modern vehicles.

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