[eli5] why do cartoon movies have significantly more shading?


I’ve always noticed and it’s kinda been bothering me since I was a lad.

In: Other

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Shading takes a lot of time and effort, and that takes money. TV shows usually have less budget than films, so corners have to be cut. Shading is an easy corner to cut.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I assume you mean in comparison to TV shows, right? It’s a simple budgeting choice. TV shows don’t have a lot of money to spend per episode so they’ll choose a simpler way to animate things. Also there are time constraints, because episodes have to be finished on a tight schedule. Movies however are way more lenient when it comes to both money and time. So they can have a higher animation quality which often includes shading.

Anonymous 0 Comments

This is a great question! Movie cartoons always look darker, and rich, and very special, so it’s always like “uh….why doesn’t the TV cartoon look like that?”

The other comments have good answers. It’s because of budget etc.