eLI5 Why do certain painkillers work for certain things and others not


For example, I had mild toothache on and off since July and paracetamol pretty much did nothing. I may as well have been eating smarties, then I had the offending tooth out and the bruising on my jaw from the injections has been much more painful but paracetamol stops the pain within 15 mins. Why didn’t it work for the much milder toothache?

In: 10

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The paracetamol needs to be able to reach the source of the pain. Toothache from nerve damage in the root is damn near impossible to reach; teeth are insulated. The pain from the procedure and amputation of the tooth are pains from the gums. Which you can reach. Furthermore, the stress on the gums from the procure wil have increased blood flow as the body tries to heal itself. More bloodflow means more paracetamol reaches.
Another way to treat pain in the mouth is by dissolving a painkiller in water and drinking it. Keep it in your mouth for a while. The painkiller is then already where it needs to be; faster and easier. You can use a lower dosage for higher effect because you’re not numbing the entire body for one place.

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