eli5: Why do computer operating systems have lots of viruses and phone operating systems don’t?


eli5: Why do computer operating systems have lots of viruses and phone operating systems don’t?

In: 5085

78 Answers

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There are a lot of technical answers. Let’s try a different approach, shall we?

Imagine you and your dad went to the market. when you walk in, your dad hands you a basket and tells you that you should get some food. When you are done, he’ll be at the cashier waiting for you to pay. You may pick whatever you want. Then, you are pestered by all those food promoters, get a lot of things that you don’t need, and go to the cashier.

That is essentially your computer operating system. You have it, you do what you want with it. Nothing is guaranteed to go right or wrong. You need to learn how to deal with stuff to avoid being burned.

Now, imagine the same situation, but this time, your dad holds you by the hand, shoos the promoters away, gives you a list of what you can buy, but he narrowed things down to a few brands for some things and to only a brand for other things. Plus, there are some essential stuff, like rice and milk, you can’t skip.

That’s Android and iOS. The operating system guides you all the way and tells you what you can and can’t download/install. There are ways to convince your dad to buy something he doesn’t like, but you have to study about it and do some weird “dances” for him to allow you to.

Both can get viruses. But one has a watching system, the other, not so much (could install an anti-virus, but no guarantees).

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