eli5: Why do computer operating systems have lots of viruses and phone operating systems don’t?


eli5: Why do computer operating systems have lots of viruses and phone operating systems don’t?

In: 5085

78 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Computers are like a chalk blackboard. Everyone was given chalk and was supposed to only write where they were supposed to. This made it very easy to mess up what others wrote.

Phones also have a blackboard but now the chalk is tied to a piece of string attached to the board. So now each chalk can only write in its own area. And you cannot write with your own chalk. Of course, there are ways to break the string but it’s not as easy.

(Yes. This is a simplified analogy but maybe it helps). The blackboard is the system, memory and disk or storage. The chalk is the different apps that write and read from memory and storage.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Computers are like a chalk blackboard. Everyone was given chalk and was supposed to only write where they were supposed to. This made it very easy to mess up what others wrote.

Phones also have a blackboard but now the chalk is tied to a piece of string attached to the board. So now each chalk can only write in its own area. And you cannot write with your own chalk. Of course, there are ways to break the string but it’s not as easy.

(Yes. This is a simplified analogy but maybe it helps). The blackboard is the system, memory and disk or storage. The chalk is the different apps that write and read from memory and storage.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Aside from what others said, the internet was a wild west in the past with shady links and sources everywhere.

Nowadays, there’s a lot more trustworthy channels to get about everything, whether software, music, movies or videos, and these sources are constantly checked by other software and other people for security issues and viruses.

It for sure does not eliminate the chance of a virus being spread through these channels, but the chances are a lot lower than if you were to use torrent links or random downloads from any page that pops up.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Aside from what others said, the internet was a wild west in the past with shady links and sources everywhere.

Nowadays, there’s a lot more trustworthy channels to get about everything, whether software, music, movies or videos, and these sources are constantly checked by other software and other people for security issues and viruses.

It for sure does not eliminate the chance of a virus being spread through these channels, but the chances are a lot lower than if you were to use torrent links or random downloads from any page that pops up.

Anonymous 0 Comments

This is a misconception. There are plenty of viruses for phones in the wild. The main difference is that mobile applications run in sandboxed environments.

This means that everything the app can do, happens within its own little box so to speak. This is why jailbreaking your device or side loading applications is typically a poor choice for individuals that do not know what they are doing.

Anonymous 0 Comments

This is a misconception. There are plenty of viruses for phones in the wild. The main difference is that mobile applications run in sandboxed environments.

This means that everything the app can do, happens within its own little box so to speak. This is why jailbreaking your device or side loading applications is typically a poor choice for individuals that do not know what they are doing.

Anonymous 0 Comments

they baby proofed the whole operating system, so there’s no fingers that you can stick through an outlet.

Anonymous 0 Comments

they baby proofed the whole operating system, so there’s no fingers that you can stick through an outlet.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Let a 5 year old eat as much/whatever they want from the candy closet, the kid will more than likely eat till they’re sick.

Monitor a 5 year old and ensure you approve of the 5 year olds snack before they eat the snack, they’re less likely to get sick.

Phone operating systems monitor the snacks. They essentially review the apps and “approve” before allowing them to be installed.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Let a 5 year old eat as much/whatever they want from the candy closet, the kid will more than likely eat till they’re sick.

Monitor a 5 year old and ensure you approve of the 5 year olds snack before they eat the snack, they’re less likely to get sick.

Phone operating systems monitor the snacks. They essentially review the apps and “approve” before allowing them to be installed.