Eli5 why do computers get slower over times even if properly maintained?


I’m talking defrag, registry cleaning, browser cache etc. so the pc isn’t cluttered with junk from the last years. Is this just physical, electric wear and tear? Is there something that can be done to prevent or reverse this?

In: Technology

13 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Newer versions of software is written for newer faster hardware, so sometimes it asks to do a lot more stuff at once, which can be taxing on older systems. Unfortunately, there’s not a lot you can do about that other than trying to tell it to stop running so many background. So even if your computer hasn’t physically degraded at all, it’s slower than it used to be.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s not really really getting slower, it’s mostly the fact that new software is developed for never faster computers, so they will run slower on older computers, and as apps get updates over time, they will run slower and slower

As an analogy if your computer is a car and the road is the software, it’s not your car getting less powerful, it’s the road getting steeper

Anonymous 0 Comments

Registry cleaning and other stuff doesn’t solve all problems completely. Some errors still remain, some junk still accumulates, more software is installed/updated over time and this new software is often “heavier” and slower-working than older versions. If you format a drive and do a clean reinstall of the system with (optionally) only the old versions of the software it had at the start, it should work faster again.