Eli5: Why do computers need AMD agesa?


Eli5: Why do computers need AMD agesa?

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2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

In short, AGESA can be thought of as being the “core” of the motherboard firmware on AMD motherboards, being largely responsible for the initial startup of the CPU, memory, and some other important functions

Anonymous 0 Comments

They don’t. Well, unless they’re designed to utilize it.

Analogy time!

Imagine each and every piece of hardware on your computer has a phone number. When you boot your computer all the different pieces have to call each other and figure out who is on the line before they can start working together to, well, be a computer. But not all of them have the same format of phone number so it makes it a bit tricky to find everyone.

The AMD agesa is a phonebook, designed to facilitate this process, especially if different manufacturers make sure their phone number format is to the agesa standards.

But there’s nothing inherently required about it. It wasn’t really used by anyone but AMD until the early 2010s because they open sourced it in 2011. Computers worked just fine before that, it’s just easier now with it.