Eli5: Why do earplugs max out at 33db of noise cancelling?


Eli5: Why do earplugs max out at 33db of noise cancelling?

In: 3288

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s mostly because the decibel scale is logarithmic meaning each step is larger than the one before. For that specific scale 20db is 10 times louder than 10db. 30db is 10 times louder than 20, etc. So earplugs that cancel out 33db are over ten times more effective than the standard rated ones, and going up one more dB is even harder than 32-33.

Also the goal with earplugs is to take dangerous levels of sound down to safe levels (under 100 usually). 120db is using a jackhammer. 130 is standing right next to a jet engine on takeoff and will burst your eardrum.

There’s also the fact that you can only fit so much into your ear. Due to this, extremely loud workplaces/environments like gun ranges or aircraft carriers call for double-protection (plugs and over-ear

Anonymous 0 Comments

If you block 100% of noise going into the ear, you’ll still hear at about -40db (to -60db depending on frequency) from conduction through your skull/bones instead, so that sets the absolute lower limit for blocking noise.

Also db is log not linear, and -30db is already about 1000:1 (99.9%) blocking so that is already pretty amazing.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Material limitations

Your ear canal is only a certain length and width, and the material that fits in there is all that’s doing the work of stopping the sound. So soon enough the material used in such a small quantity is no longer able to dampen or block the sound energy

Ear plugs + ear defenders combo work because the ear canal is blocked, and then around that sealed quite well to the side of your head is essentially a small room of extra sound deadening material. You could keep stacking it just building more and more thickness of sound insulation around your head but eventually it’s going to get too heavy to carry or block your view. You can also build dampening around the thing making the noise in some scenarios, or put yourself in a sealed sound booth to observe it

Anonymous 0 Comments

I asked an Audioligist recently and he said anything more that that is useless because at a certain point the vibrations of your skull will still activate the bones in your ear. We were discussing highway wind noise on a motorcycle and I am heavily paraphrasing.

Anonymous 0 Comments

33dB of noise reduction is reducing the sound pressure by a factor of 1000. Any more requires you do more then block the ear, you’d need to surround your whole head in dampening foam.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I want to know why it’s not recommended to put cotton swabs even a little bit inside your ear but you’re supposed to jam earplugs deep enough that they touch.

Anonymous 0 Comments

You hear about half through your ears and half directly through your skull. The bones in your inner ear increase sound by roughly 40 dB. When you put in ear plugs you’re basically blocking the extra sound your ear drums and those bones help produce.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The point of earplugs is to reduce hazardous levels of noise/sounds to a volume that’s not hazardous. It’s not going to eliminate noise. Reducing to about 70-80 dB prevents the noise hazard risk. Like sun protection doesn’t remove the sun, just reduces the risk of burn (skin damage).

I am an audiologist.