[ELI5] – Why do fruits develop brown/bruised areas when we hit them?


A bruise can only appear when there is circulation, right?

Then why do fruits and vegetables, especially bananas, develope brown spots/bruises when they get hit, even after they being desolidarized from their tree?

Is there still “circulation” in the fruit? Is it oxidation? Or a form of osmosis?

In: Biology

3 Answers

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It’s not the same bruise as what a person would get. It’s just called that because it looks sort of similar (discolouration and squishiness).

The impact of a fruit falling or getting poked hard damages the cells of the fruit. The damage to the cells leads to their fluids leaking out, which causes the squishy texture. The brown discolouration comes from those fluids then being oxidised when they come in contact with the oxygen in air. Normally they stay inside the cells, so no discolouration.

Bananas don’t oxidise as much as apples, say, but they’re softer, so they bruise easier and the softness turns squishy much faster.

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