eli5, why do hand rolled cigarettes put out themselves, but a cigarette from a pack keeps burning?


I had some really hard time phrasing that right but I hope y’all get my point.

If I light up a cigarette from a pack and leave it, it’ll keep burning, but the hand rolled won’t do the same, why?

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Machine rolled cigarettes have been designed to burn as smoothly as possible, and the machines packing them are precisely (relatively) calibrated.

When you hand-roll, you are *probably* not packing as consistently throughout the cigarette as a machine. There may be spots with restricted airflow, there may be spots that are a touch too loose to keep the cherry lit across shreds of tobacco.

But to answer the question, the cause is mechanical, not chemical. There aren’t (to my knowledge) any additional accelerants in machine rolled cigarettes that are not in hand-rolls

Anonymous 0 Comments

In hand rolled cigarettes, the choice of rolling paper determines the rate of burn. Some allow the burn to stop immediately, some will keep burning for a minute, some will keep burning until put out.

Anonymous 0 Comments

In some countries, the government passed a law requiring cigarettes to go out after a few seconds if you don’t puff on them, to prevent fires. This happened over ten years ago in USA and it changed the flavor of the cigarette with the chemical they spray it with.